About Mindpower Therapies & Coaching

There is no greater wealth in this world than peace of mind Hypnotherapy can offer you great peace of mind with so many issues, including anxiety, anger, alcohol abuse, bereavement, body image, confidence, depression, driving tests, drug abuse, fear of flying, gender identity, phobias, relationships, relaxation, smoking, stress, weight loss and so much more. Hypnotherapy is suitable for both adults and children... Many of us lead very hectic lives, this can cause anxiety and stress. Both can lead to depression if we can’t see a way out to get our lives back on track. Hypnotherapy is a way for you to take the control back and lift the weight that has been dragging you down for so long. Whatever you do, your mind and body are continually processing the forthcoming planned events, often without you even realising. Maybe your stomach churns at the thought of the dentist or maybe you tired at the thought of the work you need to do tomorrow? Hypnotherapy is extremely relaxing and most clients tell me they feel like they are in ‘a dream state, like just before you drop off to sleep and feel sort of floaty’ ‘a bit like daydreaming but still in control of everything’. Children can really benefit from hypnotherapy too, whether they are suffering from bed-wetting, hair pulling, nail biting, bullying, eating disorders, exam stress etc, there are ways is which hypnotherapy can help to cope and change the way they are feeling about themselves into a much more positive outlook. Children and young people have such a great imagination which absorbs hypnotherapy so well. Timeline Therapy is great for moving forward after a traumatic event, it help you to see the event differently and in a way that will still allow you to remember it, but the affect on you will not be the same and you carry on with your life. Life Coaching helps you to find a way pathway to a desired goal or just back to normality. We will help you to get your life back on track and to where you want it to be. The initial consultation if free of charge, a therapy plan will then be decided and an appointment made for you to start getting your life back again! We will be there, helping you, every step of the way!